Big Brother Charles heart felt "WELCOME"!

Welcome to my first post in the area of fitness and health. I'm a human in this human race try to find my purpose and plan of God for my LIFE. In the process, I've learned that my body has a greater purpose I want to unlock. In the process discover all the potential it has before leaving this earth. In my many years of living and learned I had to REALlize that I can not live this life alone. I'm created to share GOOD information about life. 

I hope this Blog Site is able to reach or shines the light on a few follower who needs MORE out of their lives. Please, make time to follow, share and communicate whatever you want, need or inspired to know to understand. I want to reach out more by share the HIDDEN SECRETS that God my Father told me I would find if I trust him with all I have.

Share is caring and I want all those whose health and fitness need a voice. My testimony to those who want more. "God can take chicken poop and make chicken soup"!

I hope and pray that something happens to us today to make us want to finish this race. Just remember that this race that we are running is not for the swift but for the ones that ENDURE to the end.


